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Symptoms Of Acquired Hemolytic Anemia

Sometimes, a headache is just a headache, but what if it’s something more serious? All too often, dire medical conditions begin to manifest with small, seemingly-harmless symptoms. Acquired hemolytic anemia, a condition that causes the untimely destruction and removal of red blood cells from the bloodstream, may begin with innocuous symptoms. The result of some other disease or infection acquired hemolytic anemia shares many symptoms with more well-known forms of anemia, but may also present symptoms that seem strangely out of place for a condition that primarily affects blood cells. Learn more about these symptoms now.

Symptoms Shared With Other Forms Of Anemia

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Initially, acquired hemolytic anemia may be difficult to definitively diagnose, as it has many symptoms shared with other forms of anemia. As will all other forms of anemia, those suffering from acquired hemolytic anemia will feel general, lasting fatigue. This tiredness is a direct result of dying red blood cells, as a low red blood cell count means the body does not have enough cells to carry the required oxygen to the various organs and tissues. This low red blood cell count may also manifest as dizziness, headaches, or shortness of breath, which are all symptoms shared across all types of anemia. Additionally, a lack of red blood cells can lead to more prominent symptoms, including chest pains, pale skin, and a noticeable coldness in the extremities as the body struggles to deliver enough oxygen to all of the body’s systems.

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