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10 Symptoms Of A Staph Infection And How To Treat It

A staph infection is a type of skin infection that occurs by bacteria penetrating the skin or nose and may eventually affect internal organs. It is caused by staphylococcus bacteria and can result in many diseases such as food poisoning, toxic shock syndrome, boils, impetigo, and cellulitis. If left untreated, a staph infection may develop into methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, which can become deadly as it is resistant to the antibiotic methicillin and other drugs in this category. Being aware of the causes, symptoms, and treatments of a staph infection may be helpful for the prevention of one.

A staph infection may be treated with antibiotics. A medical professional may want to drain the infection through a surgical procedure in which an incisor is inserted into the infection and drained of pus.

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10. Causes

Human nose
 © Ruslan Nassyrov | Dreamstime Stock Photos
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Staph bacteria are found all over the place, including on the human body in the nostrils and skin folds. A staph infection occurs when staph bacteria penetrate the skin or nose and become infected and inflamed. Research shows that up to forty percent of healthy people are carriers of staph bacteria and many of these people show no signs or symptoms of a disease. It is not until staph bacteria penetrate the skin that an infection or symptoms occur.

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