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Symptoms Of A Urinary Tract Infection

Considering how often we use the bathroom, most of us are likely going to notice if things seem a little off. While urinary tract infections (UTI) are more common in women than in men, they can affect anyone. UTIs occur when bacteria enters the urinary tract through the urethra. The bacteria then begin to grow and develop until it infects the bladder. While the body has an immune defense against this bacteria, they sometimes fail, and the bacteria is difficult to completely wash out of the bladder. Because of this, the bacteria can continue to infect an individual's body until it reaches their kidney. It is here lethal consequences may occur if an affected individual does not visit a doctor.

Frequent Need To Urinate

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One of the first signs of a urinary tract infection is the incessant need to use the bathroom. No matter how much someone drinks, or doesn't drink, their bladder will feel full with this symptom. Even after they have gone to the bathroom, depending on the severity of the UTI, patients may have to use it again an hour or even a half hour later. To some degree, this is their body's attempt to fight against the bacteria, and thus, one of the ways doctors suggest patients fight a urinary tract infection is by drinking lots of fluids. 

By constantly flushing the body out, the hope is to remove the bacteria along with it. However, since the bacteria in the bladder can attach itself to the walls of the bacteria, it can be difficult to remove through constantly using the bathroom alone. On the other hand, as this bacteria grows, it also makes the bladder feel heavier, simply because there is more inhabiting the bladder. Regardless, if an individual feels a frequent need to urinate, they may have a UTI.

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