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Guide To Treating Sagging Skin

Sagging skin develops due to the body's natural aging process. Aging causes the skin to produce less collagen and elastin, and facial skin gradually sags due to this decrease. Smoking, excessive sun exposure, rapid weight loss, repetitive facial expressions, and some sleeping positions are believed to increase the severity of skin sagging. Patients typically start to notice sagging facial skin in their 60s. The eyelids and the skin around the jawline are the primary areas of sagging. 

Dermatologists and plastic surgeons can assess the patient's skin and recommend appropriate treatments. Dietary supplements and anti-aging serums for sagging skin may be useful for minor cases. Some patients require brow lifts to help get rid of sagging skin. Face lifts and botox injections for sagging skin can also help.

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Collagen Supplements

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Since skin sagging is caused by reduced collagen, individuals may choose to use collagen supplements as a treatment. Most collagen supplements are derived from animal products, but some manufacturers offer vegan collagen. Before taking any collagen supplements, patients should check with their doctor to verify if collagen is safe for their particular health needs. Studies have shown that collagen supplements are possibly safe when used at a daily dose of up to forty milligrams for no more than twenty-four weeks. Although side effects are uncommon, some individuals could experience headaches, swelling, dizziness, and insomnia during treatment. Liver problems have occurred, and patients might want to have their liver function checked periodically while taking collagen supplements.

Learn more about how to treat sagging skin now.

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