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Common Causes Of A Femoral Hernia

A femoral hernia is a type of hernia brought about by certain tissues pushing through the muscle wall of the inner thigh or groin. The area the tissue pushes through is a spot that's likely been weakened by an external factor. A range of different causes can lead to an individual developing a femoral hernia, some of which can be avoided if the individual is aware of them beforehand. When patients begin to suffer from a femoral hernia, it's likely they will notice the presence of a lump around their inner thigh or groin. 

This primary symptom is typically accompanied by pain and discomfort. Femoral hernias only account for close to five percent of all types of groin hernias. Because of the substantial number of complications a femoral hernia can cause, the condition will usually need to be treated with some form of surgery. 

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Chronic Constipation

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Straining and excessive amounts of pressure around the groin can cause a femoral hernia, which is why chronic constipation is among the most common causes for this condition. This is a long-term form of constipation that's first considered chronic if it lasts for longer than three months. There are even times when chronic forms of constipation can last for years. Having to regularly deal with constipation means this condition will likely be disruptive to an individual's work or personal life. 

While acute constipation can be relieved with simple exercise and changes in diet, the chronic type cannot be relieved with these methods and will typically require the use of prescription medications or some other form of medical attention. While anyone can suffer from chronic constipation, it's most common in women above sixty-five years old. Individuals also have a higher chance of suffering from this condition if they're pregnant. Since the presence of constipation usually causes the patient to strain more than they are supposed to, it's possible for this condition to cause a femoral hernia.

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