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The Health Benefits Of Essential Oils

Conventional medication undoubtedly holds the number one spot for healing in today's society, but as we progress, we may find taking an ibuprofen every other day to combat a headache or taking Xanax for prolonged periods can be detrimental to our health in the long run. Though they are just now getting their proper praise, essential oils are one of the big dogs in holistic healing. For thousands of years, they have been used to provide cures for anything from nursing a seasonal head cold to relieving the body of cancer cells. Here is how you too can use these majestic oils to improve your overall quality of life.

Natural Stress Relief

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Most of us have such busy, ruling schedules that lead to a rise in our stress levels. Whether you just need a quick 'pick me up' or have contracted a serious case of the blues, essential oils can provide you with natural stress relief and work towards a healthier state of mind. The olfactory nerve, which gives us our sense of smell, is connected directly to the parts of the brain that affects our moods, emotions, and overall mental state. So in essence, if you are inhaling a putrid smell, it can put you in a funk. A few great options to choose from are lavender, lemon, bergamot, ylang-ylang, clary sage, and jasmine. All of these scents are calming and therapeutic, yet they work in different ways to ease stress. Commonly, you notice the scent of lavender in many doctor offices and clinics to invoke feelings of serenity. In fact, a Korean study conducted in 2013 even revealed the use of aromatherapy lowered the stress of patients in the intensive care unit.

Continue reading to learn more about the health benefits essential oils can provide.

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