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Guide To The Causes And Risk Factors For Stevens-Johnson Syndrome

Stevens-Johnson syndrome is a severe condition that causes a painful rash with blistering that can affect the patient's entire body. Other symptoms include a cough, red eyes with sensitivity to light, intense itching, and sore throat. Flu-like symptoms, such as muscle pain and overall tiredness, may also appear. However, due to how rare this condition is, some doctors may not immediately know the diagnosis. The patient's medical history and medication use will be reviewed. They will also need a skin biopsy. 

Stevens-Johnson syndrome treatment begins with patients stopping their use of any nonessential medications. Patients may also need cool compresses for blisters. Fluid replacement for Stevens-Johnson syndrome is also common. Some medications for Stevens-Johnson syndrome may also be used. This can include specific pain relievers and antibiotics for Stevens-Johnson syndrome. Of course, patients need to determine what caused them to develop this condition. This can affect their treatment.

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Stevens-Johnson syndrome is often associated with mycoplasma pneumonia. This type of pneumonia should be treated more intensively in adults with this syndrome. The reason for it is that eye complications, including blistering of the eyes, are more often observed in these patients. Infection by M. pneumoniae should be looked at as a possible cause for all new diagnoses of this syndrome. 

A pneumonia patient will often present with severe inflammation of mucous membranes, along with a fever and productive coughing about one week before the rash and blistering of the skin. Although most Stevens-Johnson syndrome cases are believed to be triggered by a drug reaction, this type of pneumonia is the most common infectious cause.

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