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Warning Signs Of Sleep Deprivation

Sleep deprivation is defined as a failure to obtain sufficient total sleep. Sleep deprivation has a cumulative effect, and individuals vary in how little sleep it takes to feel sleep-deprived. For example, one person may feel sleep-deprived after six hours of sleep, and another may only feel sleep-deprived after two or three hours of sleep. Sleep deprivation is associated with increased risks for obesity, type II diabetes, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease. Insufficient sleep weakens the immune system, and sleep-deprived patients do not respond as well to vaccines as individuals who have had enough sleep. Sleep deprivation is also associated with kidney disease, stroke, and increased signs of skin aging. 

Thankfully, there are remedies for sleep deprivation. Some patients may need to take medication for sleep deprivation. This can be short-term sleep aids or medication for an underlying condition that is negatively influencing their sleep. There are also natural remedies for sleep deprivation, such as yoga and mindfulness for stress. However, the best sleep deprivation treatment starts with an understanding of the symptoms.

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Yawning And Fatigue

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Yawning and fatigue are both signs of insufficient sleep. They can occur after even just one night of poor sleep. For example, patients might find themselves yawning on their commute to work or at the office the next day, and they may yawn more frequently as the day progresses. Fatigue can make patients feel groggy, and it is often difficult for patients to stay awake throughout work. After a night of poor sleep, it is common for individuals to feel like they need to nap during the day to catch up on sleep. 

Both yawning and fatigue increase with each successive night of poor sleep, and fatigue is known to impair coordination. This could increase a patient's risk for motor vehicle accidents, trips, and falls. Patients who experience fatigue that is not relieved by a few nights of sufficient sleep should see a doctor to check for underlying health issues. While fatigued, patients may want to use public transportation. It could also help to avoid operating heavy machinery during this time.

Uncover more indicators of sleep deprivation now.

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