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Tips On How To Avoid Endocrine Disruptors

Endocrine disruptors are chemicals we encounter every day in many common household items and foods. Endocrine disruptors can mimic hormones and bind hormone receptors, which can create a weaker or stronger response than the original or alter the response completely. Endocrine disruptors can alter the synthesis (hormone creation), transport, binding, and breakdown of hormones. The outcome can affect things such as testicular function, sensory impairment, weight gain, an altered onset of puberty, and disrupted immune function, bone health, cardiac function, and mental status.

Endocrine disruptors are found in food, personal care products, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, plastic, water, and soil. Start reading to discover ways to eliminate them from your life.

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Wash Your Hands Free Of Endocrine Disruptors

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The first step to avoiding the endocrine disrupting chemicals is to prevent them from maintaining excellent hand hygiene. Many dish soaps and hand soaps are fragranced or have antibacterial properties containing endocrine disruptors, so it is important to purchase or make natural soaps. Natural soaps can be quite expensive. However, there is a recipe for a DIY: Make Your Own Natural All-Purpose Soap.

Maintaining excellent hand hygiene means washing hands properly. Use warm water and lather soap for twenty seconds or long enough to sing happy birthday twice before rinsing them off. Now that you know how to make all-natural soap and wash away endocrine disrupting chemicals, continue reading to discover other ways to prevent them.

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