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Why Vitamin D & Magnesium Should Be Taken Together

Vitamin D and magnesium are both essential nutrients to optimize the body's overall health. In recent studies, it has been discovered the two nutrients actually work together to reap the full benefits of both the vitamin and mineral.

Patients who do not receive enough magnesium typically feel sluggish and stressed, but this is not the worst of it. Magnesium also helps the body absorb and metabolize vitamin D. Without magnesium, vitamin D is not as useful or safe and can cause calcium buildup, which can lead to kidney disease and other health complications.

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What Is Vitamin D?

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Vitamin D is a nutrient that helps muscles, nerves, and the immune system work appropriately, in addition to helping the body absorb calcium. The calcium and vitamin D then work together to help preserve healthy teeth and bones.

Vitamin D can be acquired through direct sunlight, which can make it a problematic nutrient to obtain during the winter months. However, individuals can also obtain it through supplements and some foods, such as cow’s milk, egg yolks, fatty fish like salmon, fortified yogurts, orange juice, as well as soy and rice beverages.

If you are uncertain if you’re meeting the daily requirements, get blood tests done to check your vitamin D levels. Now that you know what vitamin D is, keep reading to find out what magnesium is.

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