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How To Manage Low Blood Pressure (Hypotension)

Some individuals might want to have low blood pressure. After all, a lower than average blood pressure doesn't always cause problems. For some individuals with hypotension, which is the medical term for abnormally low blood pressure, it can lead to fainting and dizziness. However, there are severe cases in which low blood pressure might become life-threatening. Blood pressure readings lower than 90/60 are generally considered hypotension. Sometimes the low blood pressure is temporary and caused by dehydration, and in other cases, it might be related to a chronic medical or surgical condition.

Finding out the underlying cause is an important part of treatment. There are also ways to manage the condition itself. Get familiar with these treatments now.

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Drink More Water

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One way to combat low blood pressure is to drink more water. Dehydration is one of the most common temporary causes of low blood pressure, and it can compound low blood pressure that occurs due to a different condition. Dehydration occurs when the body loses more water than it takes in, which can lead to fatigue, weakness, and dizziness. In addition to causing low blood pressure and potential fainting, dehydration can have a host of other serious effects on the body, especially if it lasts for a long time or if an individual is in the heat. If individuals don't drink a lot of water, they should try to drink more during the day. If there's some reason they cannot or if they prefer not to drink water, electrolyte-rich fluids are a good start to boost the effectiveness of each glass. Contrary to popular belief, tea and coffee are also hydrating, even though caffeine is a diuretic. Individuals should pay attention to their water intake if they take diuretics or are participating in activities that cause them to lose water On hot days, individuals make sure to drink even more than usual.

Get more information on how to manage hypotension now.

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