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Major Symptoms Of Churg-Strauss Syndrome

Churg-Strauss syndrome is an inflammatory disease that affects the small and medium blood vessels in the body. Most commonly, the disease has the biggest impact on the lungs and skin, though other organs, such as the kidneys, nerves, heart, and bowels, can also be affected. Men and women are equally affected by Churg-Strauss syndrome, though it is most common in individuals aged thirty to forty-five. In fact, it's quite rare for children or those over sixty-five to be diagnosed with the disease. The exact causes of Churg-Strauss syndrome are unknown, but there are several identifiable risk factors, such as having a lung condition, taking certain medications, the presence of anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies in the blood, and some autoimmune diseases. Though experts are unsure of the causes, there are several major symptoms known to signal Churg-Strauss syndrome. Get to know them now.


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Asthma is the clearest and most common predictor of who will go on to develop Churg-Strauss syndrome. This is because of the feature in both conditions in which the blood vessels inflame. In Churg-Strauss, this mostly occurs in the lungs, nerves, skin, and abdomen, while asthma patients experience an inflammation of the lungs just before having an attack. In both conditions, the blood vessels affected by inflammation are the veins and small arteries. Asthma typically develops between three and nine years before other symptoms of Churg-Strauss syndrome begin to show. Often, asthmatic symptoms may actually appear to reduce and improve while the inflammation spreads to other areas of the body.

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