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Guide To Azelaic Acid

Azelaic acid is a prescription medication. Patients with acne are prescribed azelaic acid as a topical cream. Individuals with rosacea use a topical foam or gel. Doctors typically advise patients to apply a thin layer of cream to the affected area twice a day. Doses for children are determined on an individual basis. Patients should let their doctor know if their acne does not improve after one month. Individuals with rosacea should check with their doctor if they do not see any improvement after three months. Patients need to attend regular follow-up appointments during treatment so that doctors can monitor their progress. 

It is clear that azelaic acid is a prescription acne treatment. Some reports indicate that it also treats acne scars. Patients may try other treatments, include antibiotics for acne or home remedies for acne. As mentioned, this medication is also used as a rosacea treatment. Ultimately, patients need to understand how azelaic acid cream works before they consider using it for their condition.

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How It Works 

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Azelaic acid belongs to a group of medicines called dicarboxylic acids. These acids reduce the amount of keratin an individual's body makes. Keratin is believed to encourage the growth of certain types of bacteria that cause acne. Azelaic acid prevents the hyperactive protease action responsible for converting cathelicidin into a skin peptide called LL-37. This mechanism is particularly helpful for the reduction of swelling associated with rosacea. 

Additionally, azelaic acid is classified as a tyrosinase inhibitor. These medicines reduce the body's synthesis of melanin. This reduction makes azelaic acid particularly helpful in treating hyperpigmentation and skin discoloration. 

Continue reading to reveal the major uses and benefits of this medication next.

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