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Guide To The Most Common Vitamin Supplements

Vitamin supplements are typically used to enrich an individual's diet and provide nutrients they may not get from their food. When using any vitamin supplement, it is essential to follow the dosage recommendations on the label. Vitamin supplements can affect the efficacy of some prescription medications. Thus, patients should always ask their doctor before taking supplements. Some individuals who use vitamins experience side effects such as nausea, bloating, gas, and stomach cramps. If these occur, patients should discontinue the vitamin and inform their healthcare team. 

Vitamin supplements treat and prevent many conditions. For instance, patients may take vitamin D supplements to lower their risk of fractures and conditions like depression. Calcium supplements may help in osteoporosis treatment and prevention. Vitamin C tablets appear to help with many skin and wound issues. The choice of supplement depends on an individual's needs. However, there are some common vitamin supplements that most individuals are currently taking or have considered before.

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Vitamin C

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Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin and antioxidant that helps protect the body from damage caused by free radicals. It is used to build a protein that makes and repairs skin, ligaments, tendons, and blood vessels throughout the body. Vitamin C is involved in the healing of wounds and the formation of scar tissue. It also helps repair bones, teeth, and cartilage. Since vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, it is not stored by the body. Thus, patients need to take regular doses of the vitamin through food or supplements to maintain adequate levels. 

Deficiencies in vitamin C causes symptoms such as slower wound healing, decreased immune system function, anemia, bleeding gums, and nosebleeds. Major health organizations currently recommend women who are nineteen years old and above take seventy-five milligrams of vitamin C each day. They also recommend that men need to take ninety milligrams per day. Since smoking depletes vitamin C levels, patients who actively smoke should take an additional thirty-five milligrams of this vitamin daily.

Get more details on the most common vitamin supplements now.

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