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Medical Facts About Anxiety You Need To Know

Anxiety is one of the most pervasive mental health issues out there today. Anxiety, whether it is generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety, or another form, has dozens of causes and a definitive cause can sometimes be difficult to find. Trauma, fears, or worries can cause anxiety, as can a number of mental health issues, personality types, and substances. Many individuals with anxiety do not report their symptoms due to not recognizing them or out of fear of being labeled neurotic. Despite the social stigma associated with anxiety, there are a host of medical complications associated with anxiety.

Decreased Energy

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Anxiety can cause an affected individual's neurochemistry to become imbalanced. Anxiety triggers many different 'fight-or-flight' neurotransmitters, which can, as a result, trigger the constant release of relaxation hormones and endorphins. This release can lead to a marked decrease in energy or a feeling of being constantly tired or fatigued. Many individuals with an anxiety disorder or heightened anxiety use caffeine or other stimulants to combat the associated fatigue, which can then lead to more anxiety, particularly when they drink too much and start to experience side effects, such as interrupted sleep at night. One of the only treatments for the decreased energy associated with anxiety is restful, normal sleep.

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