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Signs Of A Healthy Relationship

Connection is a basic human need, but so often we find ourselves scared that what seems to be love will fizzle out — or worse. The sad fact is it can sometimes be hard to tell if a relationship is actually good, or if it just seems that way on the surface. In a world filled with stories of broken hearts and failed relationships, romance can seem daunting. So, how can you know your love is healthy and that it has a future? The truth is, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to spot a good match. If your relationship has these five foundations, it’s built to last.

You Both Are Equals

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Simply put, it takes two to tango. If you are starting to feel like a spectator in your relationship, it may be time to call it quits. Think about recent decisions that impacted both of you. If you are both equals, compromising and responding to each other’s input, that’s a great sign! This is a great barometer because you can look at concrete examples to make sure you aren’t being swayed by how you feel in the moment. Equal partners take steps together, always mindful of the other’s well-being and happiness.

On the other hand, if one of you always gets their way, the outlook isn’t too good. This applies to little things, such as where to go on date night, what time dinner is, and who takes out the trash, as much as it applies to big things like where you’ll move or whether or not you want to have kids some day. What can feel like a small thing at one moment becomes more than a hiccup if you notice a trend.

Continue reading for the next significant sign of a healthy relationship.

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