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Stop Jet Lag From Wrecking Your Trip

When traveling across multiple time zones, the body needs time to adjust its daily circadian rhythm making the first day of a trip a write-off for many unlucky travelers. Luckily, there are tricks to mitigate these effects and help get the most out of traveling.

Jet lag affects the system for up to a few days and can put a damper on those shorter vacationing periods because what begins as a week long vacation is stifled by an overwhelming need to rest. Here are some ways to help keep jet lag at bay and get the most out of every holiday, no matter the distance.

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Adjusting Your Internal Clock

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Adjusting one's sleep schedule a couple of days before a flight can drastically reduce the effects of jet lag. Also, changing sleeping habits to mimic the day/night cycle of the desired time zone reduces the adjustment period needed for the body. Take a few extra days and start becoming accustomed to the new sleep and wake patterns.

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