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Symptoms, Risk Factors, And Causes Of Congenital Heart Diseases

When many individuals think of heart diseases, they go to the worst-of-the-worst: heart attacks, embolisms, and heart failure. However, there is a myriad of heart diseases that present themselves with a wide variety of symptoms. Some heart diseases are congenital, meaning they present at birth rather than develop later in life due to lifestyle or health complications. Some of these congenital heart diseases go undetected for years because the symptoms are not severe and can easily go unnoticed. Identifying the symptoms of congenital heart diseases can prevent these often undiagnosed conditions from causing serious health complications.

Circulation Problems

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Congenital heart diseases can create a variety of circulatory issues. Any circulation problems present at birth usually can be diagnosed if an infant's skin, lips, or fingernails have a bluish hue, or if babies fall asleep while feeding. If circulation problems develop later in life, they usually present themselves in the form of swollen feet, ankles, or legs. Some individuals with circulatory issues develop painful swelling and hardness in the abdomen or neck, both of which indicate serious medical complications.

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