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Health Benefits Of Whey Protein

As the name implies, whey protein is the edible protein found in whey, the watery part of milk that becomes separated from the curds when making cheese. However, the scientific evidence regarding the efficacy of whey protein in muscle building is mixed.

Whey protein has often been touted as an essential supplement for athletes and bodybuilders. In fact, whey protein powder a go-to for those who want to increase their strength and improve their athletic performance. It has also been used as a common dietary supplement to help reverse unhealthy weight loss in individuals with HIV. However, individuals should review the health benefits before they rely on whey protein supplements.

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Promotes Healthy Muscles

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Whey protein is best known as a dietary supplement used by athletes, bodybuilders, and anyone who wants to build muscle strength. The majority of studies have indicated that whey protein can be effective in boosting athletic performance as long as it is used correctly. One misconception is the idea whey protein will automatically build muscle mass with no work. If individuals drink a protein shake and sit at a desk job without moving, they will not see much of a result. The protein has to work in conjunction with strength training. 

In individuals who combine whey protein supplements and shakes with strength training, research shows that it can help increase muscle size, strength, athletic performance, and overall lean body mass. In adults who have not undergone athletic training, whey protein supplements improve recovery from exercise and running speed. This means that supplements may be good for those just starting to exercise. The research indicates whey protein is just as effective as proteins from beef, chicken, or soy.

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