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Signs Of Gluten Intolerance You Should Stop Ignoring

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease characterized by a severe intolerance to gluten. It affects about one percent of the population. But it is not the only form of gluten intolerance out there. Even if someone does not have celiac disease, they may still benefit from eliminating gluten from their diet. Here are some common symptoms of gluten intolerance that would merit a talk with a doctor about getting tested. If someone tests positive and still experiences symptoms, they should try an elimination period of two weeks without gluten.

Depression And Anxiety

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Research indicates individuals with gluten intolerance are more likely to experience general anxiety disorder, depression, and panic disorders than those who are not intolerant to gluten. Another study reported forty percent of individuals with self-diagnosed gluten intolerance experienced significant anxiety. Gluten can affect depression by causing abnormal serotonin levels in the brain and decreasing the number of beneficial bacteria in the gut, which is also known as the 'second brain.' When certain gluten proteins are digested, they form peptides that interfere with a patient's central nervous function.

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