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Overview Of The Best High Blood Pressure Medications


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Losartan is part of a drug class called angiotensin II receptor antagonists. It reduces blood pressure by preventing the narrowing of the blood vessels. This medication treats high blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes. It may also be prescribed to slow the progression of chronic kidney damage in individuals with type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. Of course, patients should review their medical history with their doctor before taking this medication. It is vital to review any history of kidney disease, liver disease, electrolyte imbalances, dehydration, or congestive heart failure. It can take between three to six weeks for this drug to reduce blood pressure. 

Patients should not use potassium supplements or salt substitutes while they are on this medicine. They should also avoid alcohol consumption. Since this medicine can cause lightheadedness and increase the risk of falls, patients must take extra care when they stand up from a sitting or lying position. Insomnia, dry coughs, muscle cramps, stomach pain, sore throat, and back pain are common side effects of this drug. Finally, this medication also has many interactions. Examples include acetylsalicylic acid, lithium, diuretics, and other blood pressure medicines.

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