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How To Recognize And Treat Rosacea So You Can Get Back To Living Your Life

Rosacea is a common skin problem that affects approximately 14 million Americans. Common symptoms include skin that flushes easily, visible red blood vessels, and whitehead and blackhead-free pimples around the nose and cheek. The exact causes of rosacea are unknown, but it is likely an inherited skin problem triggered by extreme temperature, stress, and diet. If rosacea is suspected, it is important to see a doctor who can assess the skin and prescribe medication if needed. Here is how to recognize rosacea, treat flare-ups, and manage it effectively over time.

How To Determine If Rosacea Is Present

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The Asian Parent
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Rosacea is most common among adults who have fair skin and are of Celtic background. It is also common among women aged thirty to fifty when they are perimenopausal. Although rosacea can be mistaken for other conditions, there are key physical signs to watch out for. For example, rosacea often produces acne-like eruptions around the central face. Different from those produced by acne, however, these red pimples and pustules do not have blackheads or whiteheads. If blackheads or whiteheads are present, the condition is likely acne instead of rosacea. In addition to the red bumps, rosacea also causes blood vessels to dilate, which produces flushing and a visibly red face. Dilated blood vessels in the absence of acne are typically due to surgery, such as a rhinoplasty, or photodamage from the sun.

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