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Remarkable Habits That Improve Heart Health

Limit Processed And Fast Foods

Irish Mirror
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Fast, frozen, and boxed foods are very convenient, but have little to offer in the way of nutrition. Because of the way these foods are mass-produced and the preservation they require for safety, they tend to be high in the types of ingredients associated with high blood pressure, elevated blood glucose, and heart disease. Sodium is a common taste-enhancing additive and is known to contribute to hypertension. Nitrates and phosphates are used to cure processed meats like sausage, which not only incur the same risks as sodium-filled foods, but also contain very high levels of saturated fat. The refined grains used to make most kinds of pasta and white rice, separated from their fibrous husks, release glucose quickly in the body, resulting in weight gain and high blood glucose levels. Additionally, processed foods have been stripped of their fiber and minerals, further negating their nutritional, heart-healthy value. Thus, individuals should limit processed and fast foods in their daily diet, focusing instead on whole-grain alternatives and raw fruits and vegetables. They should replace cold cuts and cured meats with fresh, lean proteins like fish or chicken, and skip the fast food line more often in favor of healthier homemade meals.

Keep reading to learn more about improving heart health through specific habits.

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