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Tips For Blood Glucose Monitoring

Maintain A Journal

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Patients may also want to maintain a journal to keep track of each blood glucose reading. This allows individuals to track fluctuations in their blood glucose over time. They will learn how their levels respond to new medications, different foods, and different periods of fasting. Some patients may use paper journals to write down and chart this information. Others may prefer to keep a digital log. Individuals can also download certain applications to track their blood glucose levels. Applications have the advantage of giving individuals real-time information about their average blood glucose, and some can generate insights over time. 

If patients are monitoring the impact of different lifestyle choices, they can take down additional information with each reading. For example, individuals may write down when they are taking the test, when their last meal was, and what they ate. If patients have recently begun any new medication regimens, they can note when they took their last pill. The more information individuals write down, the easier it will be for them and their doctor to manage their condition. Specifically, it will be easier for patients to identify the causes of blood glucose spikes.

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