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Foods To Avoid While On The Whole30 Diet


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Followers of the Whole30 program are advised to eliminate most legumes, including beans, peanuts, peanut butter, and peanut oil. Tofu, tempeh, miso, soy protein, and soy lecithin are also not allowed. These legumes contain saponins and lecithins that can increase inflammation and trigger leaky gut syndrome. The protease inhibitors in legumes may be associated with allergic reactions. Some individuals could develop leaky gut syndrome or chronic inflammation due to the protease inhibitors as well. Phytates are found naturally in legumes, and they can decrease mineral absorption. 

Some types of legumes may contain phytoestrogens. These could cause the body to produce too much estrogen, leading to hormonal imbalances. Since legumes have carbohydrates, some patients find that they can cause weight loss to stall. This is a major reason why they are eliminated in the Whole30 program. Currently, the only legumes allowed on the Whole30 diet are green beans and peas. Split peas, yellow peas, green peas, snow peas, and sugar snap peas are all permitted. Eliminating legumes may be particularly difficult for some individuals. Cooking at home could make the elimination process easier. 

Uncover more foods to avoid on the Whole30 diet now.

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