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Health Benefits Of Retinoids

A retinoid is a synthetic derivative of a group of fat-soluble vitamins found in eggs, sweet potatoes, and carrots or that are referred to as vitamin A. Retinoids have numerous essential functions in an individual's body, such as roles in the regulation of cell proliferation, vision, cell differentiation, bone tissue growth, activation of tumor suppressor genes, and immune function. There are three different retinoid generations. First-generation retinoids are retinal, isotretinoin, alitretinoin, retinol, and tretinoin. Second generation retinoids are acitretin and etretinate. Third generation retinoids include bexarotene, adapalene, and tazarotene. The main use of retinoids in modern-day medicine is the regulation of the growth of an individual's epithelial cells. Epithelial cell regulation can be helpful for many skin conditions and diseases.

Uncover the major health benefits associated with retinoids now.

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Helps With Acne

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Retinoids can be used in the forms of topical gels, creams, ointments, and foams to help control comedonal and cystic acne. The mechanisms that have been identified to cause these types of acne include abnormal desquamation of the skin cells, the proliferation of keratinocytes, pilosebaceous canal obstruction, androgen-driven excess sebum production, inflammation, and altered immune system activity in an individual's body. Topical retinoids work by blocking numerous inflammatory pathways known to cause whiteheads and blackheads in the hair follicles. Retinoids also act to renormalize desquamation or the normal and effective shedding of dead skin cells. Retinoids also help unblock the clogged follicles that produce whiteheads and blackheads. Retinoids can decrease the release of inflammatory cytokines and nitric oxide, which stops the process of inflammation in the skin that produces the redness typically seen with comedonal and cystic acne.

Learn more about the health benefits of retinoids now.

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