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Basic Questions To Ask A Doctor Before Surgery

When you need surgery, it's common to feel some anxiety as the day comes closer. It's also common to be nervous if you need the surgery for emergency reasons. One of the best ways to manage this anxiety is by talking to your surgeon about your fears before the event. Your surgeon will be able to provide the information you need and help you feel secure about the upcoming operation. In the past, the majority of surgeries were done in a hospital. Today, most are done in outpatient centers, so you won't need to stay overnight. You can expect different things depending on what type of surgery you're having and how complicated it is. Here are some basic questions to ask doctors before any operation.

What Can Be Expected Before The Operation

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You'll want to find out what can be expected before the operation. The procedure will vary depending on the severity of the surgery. For most major operations, you can be expected to need to arrive around two hours before the start of the operation. You'll typically be greeted by a nurse who will help you prepare for the operation. The nurse will ask you questions regarding your current medications and medical history. This is also when you'll be introduced to the surgical team. It's a prime time to ask whatever questions you have. Before going to the operating room, you'll change your clothes into a gown. A nurse will check your vitals and insert an IV. The surgeon might make a mark on the area that will be affected by the procedure. When it comes time for surgery, you'll be brought to the operating room on a stretcher.

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