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10 Things Every Man Can Do To Avoid Going Bald

By the time a man reaches the age of thirty years old, he may already start to lose the thick hair he had as a teenager and throughout his twenties. According to Doctor Adam Penstein, chief dermatologist at North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System in New York, a man’s genes play a significant role in determining how much hair he will lose during his lifetime; however, there are certain things a man can do to slow down this process. Some treatment options claim to prevent hair loss and even gain back some of what has been lost. Here are some tips for keeping a full head of hair for as long as possible.

10. Lotions And Foam Medications

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The generic cream and foam drug minoxidil is available for men who do not like taking pills but still want to recover some of their lost hair. According to Doctor Penstein, there are little side effects other than having to apply it topically twice a day, and no prescription is needed. Minoxidil works by enlarging hair follicles and stimulating hair growth. The medication can take up to four months before it starts working; however, as many as seven in ten men reported at least some hair regrowth when they used minoxidil as directed.

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