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Guide To The Causes Of Pain In The Knees

Knee pain affects individuals of all ages. Patients may experience pain in the knee joint itself, and pain could also occur in the soft tissues surrounding the joint. Symptoms associated with knee pain include swelling or warmth around the area, stiffness, and joint instability. Patients may also notice popping or crunching sounds coming from the knee as they move, and localized redness may develop. Depending on the severity of the pain, affected individuals might be unable to bend or straighten their knee. It may be impossible for them to bear weight on the affected knee. Doctors start assessing knee pain by performing a physical examination. 

Thankfully, there are a variety of options for knee pain treatment. Many patients will take knee pain prescription medication, such as anti-inflammatories, or over-the-counter knee pain medication. Injectable corticosteroids for knee pain are also an option. Physical therapy is also a major way to achieve knee pain relief. However, the best knee pain solution can vary based on the cause. Learn about the major causes linked to knee pain now.

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Dislocated Kneecap

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Patients can develop a dislocated kneecap due to a sudden change in direction while their leg is firmly planted. This frequently happens in contact sports, such as basketball. It can also occur after falls or other trauma. The patella is a triangular bone that protects the knee. In most kneecap dislocations, the patella slips toward the outer side of the leg. Patients may notice an obvious knee deformity. They will usually be unable to walk or straighten their leg and knee. The joint could swell too. 

Doctors will perform x-rays or magnetic resonance imaging scans of the patient's knee when diagnosing a dislocated kneecap. Patients who have a confirmed dislocation will need to have their kneecap manipulated back to its proper location. After this, their knee will be in a cast or another immobilizer for roughly three weeks. After that time, physical therapy will be needed to rebuild strength and function in the joint. Kneecap dislocations typically heal within six weeks.

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