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Guide To Common Antiviral Medications

Influenza, more commonly known as the flu, is not a pleasant illness to experience. Symptoms include fever and chills, headaches, fatigue, coughing, sore throat, as well as body and muscle aches. Thankfully, most patients recover from influenza, though serious cases can involve a trip to the hospital. In addition, there is also an annual flu vaccine available to help prevent the flu and make symptoms less severe if patients still catch it.

There are also ways to treat influenza. Specifically, many patients will receive antiviral medication for the flu. Many options for antiviral medicine must be taken within the first forty-eight hours of symptoms. Certain anti-flu medicines are suitable to prevent symptoms in asymptomatic patients. However, most influenza medicines cannot be used within two weeks of receiving the nasal flu vaccine. Of course, patients should understand their various choices for antiviral medications and how they work first. 

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Oseltamivir is used in the treatment and prevention of influenza. It can effectively prevent and treat influenza types A and B. Doctors may prescribe this medication to prevent the flu in asymptomatic patients who have been exposed to the virus. Patients need to start taking oseltamivir within forty-eight hours of their first symptoms to treat influenza. Individuals who have received a nasal flu vaccine will need to wait two weeks before taking this medication. 

Before prescribing this medicine, patients must review their medical history with their doctor. Their doctor needs to know if they have any history of kidney disease, heart disease, chronic lung disease, hereditary fructose intolerance, or conditions that cause brain swelling. This is vital, as this medication may not be appropriate for individuals with these conditions. During treatment with this drug, some individuals could experience side effects. Examples of the most common are nausea, vomiting, and headaches.

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