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Parkinson’s Disease Overview

Parkinson's disease causes the slow, long-term degeneration of the central nervous system, which is vital to maintaining the motor system's normal function. As the symptoms begin, a Parkinson's patient will slowly lose control over what movements are being made and begin to have more difficulties with movements as simple as walking. Unfortunately, not a lot of information has been discovered about why Parkinson's disease occurs or what makes an individual more likely to develop it than others. 

There are multiple options for Parkinson's disease treatment. Parkinson's medications include options levodopa and dopamine-mimicking meds. Many patients also require deep brain stimulation to treat Parkinson's disease. Natural remedies for Parkinson's disease are also common. Patients need to get regular exercise and maintain a healthy diet. Walking canes can help with balance and prevent falls due to this condition. Of course, Parkinson's disease support groups are crucial too.

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Symptoms Of Parkinson's Disease

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Not everyone has the same experience when it comes to dealing with Parkinson's disease. Symptoms may progress at different rates for different patients. Additionally, the order in which they occur can easily vary. The most common symptom, and the one Parkinson's patients and their families typically notice first, is the development of tremors. Tremors due to Parkinson's disease usually start in one limb or on one side of the body, then slowly spread. They are often triggered by stress or emotional experiences and lessen when the body is relaxed.

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