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How To Alleviate Rapid Breathing In Cats

If your cat is experiencing dyspnea, or respiratory distress, they are struggling with either exhaling or inhaling, and sometimes even both. Your cat may have their mouth open gasping for air, or they may be coughing or loudly panting. It can very disturbing to see your feline friend struggling, and while you may be tempted to do something immediately to help them, it is pertinent to get your kitty to the vet as soon as possible. The rapid breathing is not a disease or disorder by itself, but rather a symptom of some underlying problem or illness. It could be benign, or it could be deadly. If your pal cannot breathe, they need medical help right away.

Get the details on how rapid breathing in cats is treated now.

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Providing Oxygen

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Providing oxygen to your feline is a standard treatment used to stabilize their breathing and keep them from hyperventilating. It also provides them with enough oxygen replenishment to restore their blood back to healthy levels, while also allowing a bit of immediate relief while a diagnosis and treatment arrangements are being made. A dose of oxygen will also calm your cat down so they will allow the vet to perform thorough testing. This is pertinent, because if your pet is having an anxiety attack, they may act more hostile than usual towards medical professionals. Felines recovering from heatstroke or pulmonary edema are treated with oxygen as a part of a comprehensive treatment plan along with in-patient care and appropriate medications.

Reveal more treatments for rapid breathing in cats now.

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