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Guide To Rabies In Dogs

In 2017, just over four thousand pets were diagnosed with rabies. Fortunately, this was a decrease from 2016, where almost five thousand animals suffered from the disease. The decline in rabies infections can likely be linked to better prevention methods and quick diagnosis techniques. If you have a dog, it's important to stay up-to-date on the symptoms and progression of rabies, as well as the causes and prevention methods. Responsible pet ownership means preventing rabies in your dog to ensure they stay healthy and do not spread the deadly disease to other animals or humans.

Get the facts on rabies in dogs now.

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Initial Symptoms

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Rabies has an incubation period during which time no symptoms will be present as the virus spreads throughout the body and to the brain. This incubation period varies from animal to animal and can last anywhere from days to months. After a bite, it's normal to not notice any symptoms, which is why taking immediate action is key. The initial symptoms of rabies is usually a change in behavior, where your dog may go from active to withdrawn or, conversely, from withdrawn to active. They may also exhibit flu-like symptoms. Due to the typical lack of symptoms of the disease during the incubation period, make sure your dog is seen after a bite (even if you know the other dog well).

Uncover details on the symptoms as the virus progresses next.

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