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Guide To The Warning Signs Of Folliculitis

Folliculitis is an infection or irritation of hair follicles. Staphylococcus aureus, a type of bacteria, is responsible for the majority of cases of this condition. This bacteria has also been linked to many serious conditions, including pneumonia and meningitis. While folliculitis is normally not a life-threatening condition in healthy patients, it can be for those who are immunocompromised. It can also be an irritating condition to live with and, for some, difficult to treat. 

Treatment for folliculitis can vary based on the type that a patient has as well as its severity. In some cases, patients will receive folliculitis acne treatment. Laser treatment for folliculitis is also fairly common. Prescription shampoo for folliculitis, as well as the best lotion for folliculitis, will be used. Doctors will also often speak to their patients about antibiotics for folliculitis. Prompt folliculitis treatment is vital, as this condition can trigger a cascade of symptoms that vary between mild and severe. Understanding the warning signs is crucial, as they can alter the best folliculitis treatment for each patient. 

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Blisters Filled With Pus 

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One of the most common symptoms patients with folliculitis experience is the eruption of blisters filled with pus. These blisters are often one of the first warning signs of folliculitis. They can sometimes first appear as small yellow or white dots before growing larger. They can be found anywhere on the body. In folliculitis, these bumps can be scattered across a single area or clumped together. In severe cases, these blisters can rupture and remain as open sores on the body until the cause of folliculitis has been treated. Most cases involving blisters are due to bacterial infections. However, it is quite common to see blisters filled with pus in non-bacterial cases of folliculitis as well. Wearing certain types of clothing, for example, has been linked to this form of folliculitis. 

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