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Guide To The Risk Factors And Complications Of Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Hidradenitis suppurativa is a skin condition that leads to small and painful lumps below the skin. Sometimes tunnels can form underneath the surface of the skin, and the bumps might break as well. The bumps tend to form in places where the skin frequently rubs together, including the thighs, breasts, buttocks, groin, and armpits. The condition typically develops after puberty. Some patients may live with it for many years, and the flare-ups may worsen over time. 

Some patients try over-the-counter medicine for hidradenitis suppurativa. Often this includes pain medication, as many topical creams for hidradenitis suppurativa require a prescription. Another treatment option is red light therapy for hidradenitis suppurativa. Other patients may look at laser hair removal for hidradenitis suppurativa, which can help relieve some symptoms, including itchy skin. Hidradenitis suppurativa itch relief is a significant part of treatment. Of course, it helps to understand the risk factors and potential complications of this condition, which can affect treatment.

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Age and Gender

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Age and gender both affect an individual's likelihood of developing hidradenitis suppurativa. Studies have shown that women tend to develop the condition more frequently than men. In addition, it usually starts in individuals who are past puberty and either well into or finished with adolescence. The most commonly affected age group are individuals between eighteen and twenty-nine years old. Despite this, there have been cases in which patients are affected when they are younger or older. Patients who develop the condition when they are younger have a higher risk of complications in the future. These individuals may also be at a higher risk of developing a widespread disease that is only partially related to the skin condition. 

It is not currently known why the condition develops or how. Researchers only know that it affects women between eighteen and twenty-nine years old from analyzing statistics of individuals diagnosed with hidradenitis suppurativa. The condition is not caused by poor hygiene or an infection. However, it might lead to psychological distress for patients who cannot hide the bumps.

Reveal information on risk factors for this condition now.

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