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Guide To The Symptoms Linked To Sleep Paralysis

Sleep paralysis is a terrifying condition. Patients with this condition experience periods where they are conscious but are not able to move. However, in order to be called sleep paralysis, this feeling must occur at one of two times. Patients will either experience it during the transition from consciousness to sleep or between sleep and wakefulness. In other words, sleep paralysis is the result of a patient's body not smoothly passing through its natural sleep cycle.

In some cases, sleep paralysis treatment is not necessary. However, this is only when cases are isolated. When patients also have narcolepsy, they often need narcolepsy treatment. This may include medications for narcolepsy. Patients may want to try therapy for sleep paralysis so that they can handle their episodes better. Overall, however, natural remedies for sleep paralysis are the most effective. Natural remedies, such as regular exercises and stress management for sleep paralysis, can prevent episodes from occurring and lower their severity if they do still happen. Of course, all of this treatment for sleep paralysis requires a solid understanding of the symptoms.

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Inability To Move Or Speak

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In many cases, individuals transition smoothly from sleep to being awake and vice versa. Still, sometimes they become uncomfortably aware of their relaxed state. The patient's body is still totally at rest from being asleep, but their mind begins to race. This contrast causes the feeling that, although they are awake, they cannot move or speak. In some ways, this means that their body is split, with the patient's mind being wide awake and frightened and their body still being sound asleep. Naturally, the contrast is exceptionally alarming, making the patient feel as if they are paralyzed. It wears off over time, though it can seem like torture.

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