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Choose The Best Mattress For Your Health

On average, adults spend a third of their time sleeping. Most healthy adults generally spend seven to nine hours a night sleeping, while some individuals can get by without feeling drowsy on six hours' rest and others require as much as ten hours to function without drowsiness. Given this large chunk of humanity's existence dedicated to a single purpose, choosing the mattress on which to sleep should be a relatively straightforward matter. Unfortunately, mattresses come with a variety of types and features many individuals find confusing. Research is also continually studying sleep health and habits, which leads inevitably to changing products. These tips will help discover how to choose the best mattress for your health.

Consider Your Sleeping Position

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Studies have established eight sleeping positions, but these are generally lumped into three main categories: stomach, back, and side. Different mattresses are designed for different sleeping positions. Side sleeping is most common and vitally requires proper pressure relief. Without this consideration, hips and shoulders take the extra strain while a side sleeper sleeps, causing discomfort during waking hours. A side sleeper, therefore, requires a mattress with a thicker and softer comfort layer, about three inches on average. Back sleepers, on the contrary, do better with a thinner top layer of about two inches. Stomach sleepers require the thinnest layer of all, with one inch to give cushioning to any bony areas without creating unnatural curves in the back. Consider your sleeping position to find the ideal mattress.

Continue reading to learn about the next factor in choosing your mattress: debating how firm or soft it needs to be.

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