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Reasons Why Handwashing Is Important

Prevent Food Contamination 

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Handwashing helps prevent food contamination. Germs that cause diarrhea, hepatitis A, colds, and the flu can all be transferred to food if proper handwashing is not practiced. Transferring bacteria from food to food, such as raw chicken to vegetables, is also an issue that handwashing can prevent. When preparing food at home, individuals should always wash their hands thoroughly for at least twenty seconds before handling any food items, as well as when they switch to something different. A key example is washing after handling raw meat but before fruits or vegetables. This can help individuals avoid cross-contamination. 

In addition, it can help if individuals wash their hands immediately after returning from the grocery store, as well as immediately before eating. Individuals should wash their hands before handling meat when they are cooking at home. Individuals should wash their hands after eating too, and restaurant workers must wash their hands before they return to their workstations after breaks. 

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