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Overview Of Anticoagulants


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Heparin stops the blood from clotting. It is often used before surgical procedures to reduce the patient's risk of developing clots. However, patients with pork allergies or previous uncontrolled bleeding episodes will need a different medicine. In addition, individuals who have experienced low platelets after previously using heparin or pentosan sulfate should not take this drug. Patients must review their medical history with their doctor before they can take this medication. This includes informing their doctor if they have ever had liver disease, severe hypertension, bacterial endocarditis, or stomach problems. 

Heparin is given by injection. After a doctor administers the first dose, the patient will be taught to self-administer them. Frequent blood tests are necessary to measure the time it takes for the patient's blood to clot. Emergency medical attention will be required if patients experience chest pain, skin warmth or discoloration, nosebleeds, nausea, or vomiting on this medication.

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