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Guide To Treating Isolation Depression

Exercise More Often

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Exercise naturally boosts the body's levels of endorphins. This can help improve mood and wellbeing. For patients with mild isolation depression, exercise can be as effective as antidepressants in relieving symptoms. The hippocampus is the brain region that is responsible for mood regulation. It is smaller in those with depression, including isolation depression. Exercise has been shown to promote nerve cell growth in the hippocampus. Patients with isolation depression should start with small goals for exercise, especially since depression can reduce their energy levels. For example, walking to the end of the street is an excellent place to start. Individuals can slowly increase their walking distance so that they eventually walk around their entire neighborhood. 

If their isolation depression makes it difficult for them to leave the house, exercise videos can be useful. These videos allow individuals to exercise indoors as a way to increase their daily physical activity. Individuals may also want to consider purchasing a treadmill or other indoor exercise equipment. There are also some fitness applications and online fitness classes that individuals can take in the comfort of their own home. This is a great way to increase their social interaction. Many individuals have stated that these applications and classes have been especially helpful during periods of isolation throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

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