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Guide To Treating Common Skin Problems


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Unfortunately, there is no cure for rosacea, and the condition is considered chronic. However, some treatments can help control ongoing symptoms. Treatment regimens tend to rely on a combination of prescription medications and at-home skincare. Some patients will need ongoing treatment for long periods, while others may only need to treat the occasional flare-up. It is common for the condition to recur after an initial flare-up ceases. 

Several types of medication can treat rosacea. First, there are topical ointments designed to reduce redness in the skin. Patients can apply them to their skin if their rosacea symptoms are mild or moderate. They constrict the blood vessels temporarily so that the redness is not as prominent. If a patient's rosacea is more severe and includes pimples or bumps, their doctor may order a course of oral antibiotics. This helps clear up any bacterial infections that are related to the condition. Finally, doctors may sometimes prescribe isotretinoin if a patient's flares cause symptoms similar to acne.

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