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Guide To The Health Benefits Of Chicken

Boosts Heart Health

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Heart disease is the leading cause of death in America. With around twenty-five percent of American deaths caused by heart-related conditions, individuals must learn the importance of eating a healthy diet. While most individuals are familiar with the benefits of lean red meats, they are unaware that lean chicken also boosts heart health. Studies show that chicken reduces both bad and total cholesterol. Chicken also reduces the risk of developing heart disease. When cooked properly, chicken is one of the healthiest cuts of meat available. However, cooking methods like frying causes higher low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, which is the cholesterol responsible for clogging the arteries. 

Frying oils are also responsible for a spike in cholesterol. Oils have more calories and trans fat. It is vital to note that trans fat is believed to be the unhealthiest type that someone can eat. However, not only does trans fat increase low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, but it also eliminates good cholesterol. Choosing the right piece of the chicken also plays a part in balancing good and bad cholesterol. Consuming breast meat reduces low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels the most, followed by thighs, wings, and legs.

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