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Side Effects Of Milk Of Magnesia

Nausea And Vomiting

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Milk of magnesia may irritate the stomach. This could trigger nausea and vomiting for some patients. These symptoms are more likely to occur in patients who need to take more than one dose to relieve their constipation. Doctors suggest that patients try to avoid strong odors or flavors to ease their nausea. It can also be helpful to go outside for fresh air. Some patients can relieve their nausea by eating peppermint or ginger, and eating bland food such as rice or crackers could be soothing for nausea as well. 

If vomiting occurs, patients should note how many times they experience this and obtain emergency medical attention if the vomit is black or bloody. Emergency medical care is also necessary in cases where the patient cannot keep any food or liquid down at all.

Get more details on the side effects of milk of magnesia now.

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