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10 Different Eating Disorders, How to Spot Them and Why They're So Dangerous

Bulimia Nervosa

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Binging and purging is harder to spot than anorexia or binge eating but it is still hazardous none the less. Bulimia is hard to spot because many people maintain a ‘healthy’ weight but bulimia is still destructive and can lead to a more obvious eating disorder like anorexia or binge eating. Bulimia involves the use of laxatives or induced vomiting in order to purge the food that has just been eaten. 

Because of the repetitive manner of purging, bulimia creates a huge strain on the digestive system. Oesophageal inflammations, destruction of tooth enamel and electrolyte imbalances are all part of the negative effects of bulimia. The most dangerous and worst case scenarios of bulimia can lead to stroke or heart attack caused by nutritional imbalances.

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