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Guide To Cataract Surgery

Preparing For Surgery

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Patients can prepare for cataract surgery in several ways to ensure their procedure and recovery go smoothly. The doctor will often perform an ultrasound to evaluate the shape and size of the patient's eye a week before the surgery. The patient will need to arrange transportation to and from the facility where the procedure will take place. Patients taking certain medications may be advised to stop taking them several days before their surgery. These medications include anticoagulants, antiplatelets, acetylsalicylic acid, and some stimulants. 

Most patients must refrain from eating or drinking anything during the twelve hours before their surgery. The night before the surgery, patients may be given eye drops or other medications. They must follow specific instructions for these drops. An individual will be advised not to consume any alcoholic beverages the night before they have cataract surgery. Some patients may be prescribed a medication to take the night before the procedure if they are too anxious to get the proper amount of sleep.

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