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Methods Of Treating Bulging Eyes

Eye Drops

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If the underlying cause of the bulging is infection, a doctor might prescribe eye drops. Eye drops are also sometimes prescribed to help soothe pain and moisturize the eyes. Different eye drops are formulated to treat different conditions. Some are available over-the-counter to treat dry eyes, while others are available through a prescription to treat infections and minor eye injuries. The amount of time patients will need to take the drops will also vary depending on what they're treating. Some patients only need to take eye drops for a few days, while others need more intensive treatment. 

Patients should always make sure they're using the drops how they're intended. If individuals don't use the right technique, the drops might not be fully absorbed into the eye, which will keep them from being effective. If it's difficult for a patient to place the eye drops in their eyes themselves, they can ask a family member or friend to help. Those administering the drops should always make sure the dropper and their hands are both clean before doing so.

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