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Guide To The Causes Of Bulging Eyes

Graves' Disease

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Bulging eyes due to  Graves' disease, the leading cause of hyperthyroidism, are called Graves' ophthalmopathy. The protrusion happens because the muscles and tissues behind the eyes swell. The eye problems sometimes improve without needing treatment, but they can be a sign of undiagnosed Graves' disease. In addition to protruding eyeballs, the most common symptoms of this condition are redness and swelling of the eyes, dry eyes, excessive discomfort or tearing in one or both eyes, blurry or double vision, reduced movement of the eyes, inflammation, and light sensitivity. Graves' disease is an autoimmune disorder, which means it occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks its own tissues. This particular disease causes the immune system to attack the thyroid, which leads the thyroid gland to create an overproduction of hormones. Graves' disease can lead to issues with fertility, the menstrual cycle, the muscles, the bones, and the heart if untreated.

Keep reading to learn more about the causes of bulging eyes now.

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