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How To Pop Ears Safely

Sipping On Water

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Sipping on water requires swallowing, and the swallowing process automatically opens the Eustachian tubes. This will naturally allow the ears to pop, and it is a gentle method even children can use. While sipping on water is best, juice, soda, or any available beverage will work. Hot, cold, and room temperature beverages are all appropriate. If you use sipping to relieve a buildup of ear pressure, take small sips of a beverage every few seconds. This requires more swallowing and is typically more effective than taking larger gulps less often.

To help prevent ear pain while flying, passengers may want to bring their own water bottles with them so they always have access to liquid. Ideally, passengers should drink water shortly after takeoff and try to take a sip of water every ten minutes or so. This may help prevent and relieve ear pain. Plane passengers and other travelers at high altitudes may also wish to wear special earplugs for fliers that prevent pressure changes in the ears and provide additional pain relief. These are available online and in many airport shops and should be inserted prior to take off and worn throughout the flight.

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