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Warning Signs Of Aortic Stenosis

Dizziness And Fainting

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Dizziness and fainting can occur in aortic stenosis patients through several different mechanisms. Because the forward stroke volume is not able to compensate in affected individuals when needed, the systemic vasodilation that occurs upon physical exertion causes the systolic blood pressure in the arteries to decrease. This decrease in blood pressure causes less blood flow to the brain tissues, which can result in dizziness and fainting. Abnormal heart rhythm episodes are also a cause for these symptoms in aortic stenosis patients, including ventricular or atrial tachyarrhythmias. Fainting can occur in an individual when they are at rest if they experience atrial fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia, or atrioventricular block. Patients who have aortic stenosis have increased internal pressure in their left ventricle, which can cause them to have abnormal vasodepressor reflexes that result in dizziness and fainting.

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