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Guide To Milk Allergy Symptoms

A milk allergy occurs when the immune system rejects the proteins found in animal milk. Most individuals who have a milk allergy are allergic to cow milk, which contains alpha S1-casein protein. Between two and three percent of children younger than three years old have a milk allergy and eighty percent of these children will generally outgrow the allergy by the time they become adults. Milk allergy is also often times mistakenly believed to be lactose intolerance, which is when the body is unable to digest the lactose found in dairy products. While milk allergy and lactose intolerance share many of the same symptoms, a milk allergy can be fatal. Treatment for a milk allergy typically depends on the symptoms present and their severity.

Get to know the symptoms now.

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Appearance Of Hives

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The appearance of hives can be one of the first symptoms experienced during an allergic reaction to milk. Hives are small, round welts that can appear on the skin and inside of the mouth. This type of rash typically itches and can be quite uncomfortable. When an individual with a milky allergy drinks milk, their immune system is triggered to release histamine. This histamine release results in blood plasma engorging the skin small blood cells, causing the hives. Hives on their own are typically not life-threatening, though they can be quite uncomfortable, due to their itchy and stinging nature. Hives can often be treated with over-the-counter antihistamines.

Keep reading for more information on the symptoms of a milk allergy now.

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